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The ancient history of UFOs and the unclassified document of Oppenheim and Einstein
Corey Goode & David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 2 episode 8 - finding life on Mars
UFO-like vortex appears over Siberia as thousands watch
Simon Parkes: Failure of the archons
UFO sighting over North Korea
Corey Goode: A correlation analysis - an exercise in investigation and objectivity
Dr Steven Greer: How the secret government works - The most explosive expose 21 Nov 2015
A Dome on Mars - The Opportunity rover captures the most mysterious image of the red planet
PRG Update 27 Nov 2015
Michael Salla: German secret societies nuked martians & built slave colonies with US corporations
Donut ufos seen at space station and over Thailand
Corey Goode & David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 2 episode 9 - colonizing Mars
Two glowing UFOs over Menifee, California on 25 Nov 2015
Declassified KGB Nazi maps confirm the existence of subterranean breakaway civilizations
Corey Goode & David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 2 episode 10 - Conquering the Solar System
Carl Sagan’s close colleague blows the lid on Sagan’s involvement in the Extraterrestrial cover-up
Spectacular UFO sightings huge UFO event over Indonesia 2015
Dr Michael Salla: Was UN Secretary General abducted by aliens in 1989 to prevent ET disclosure
Steve Beckow: The people of earth welcome the people of the Stars - Part 1/2
Steve Beckow: The people of earth welcome the people of the Stars - Part 2/2
Nasa engineer: The Billy Meier UFO case is real
PRG Update: 08 Dec 2015
Dr Michael Salla: Siemens implicated in tracking forced labor & slaves in space
Dr Steven Greer: About Operation Blue Beam, 21 November 2015
Corey Goode & David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 2 episode 12 - beyond the limits of the sun
Inner-Earth civilizations may soon reveal themselves
Stanley Kubrick confesses to faking moon landings for NASA
Video of military monitoring large 'alien'looking light - big sparkling 3D object falls to earth
Pennsylvania witness describes UFO as size of football stadium
Dr Michael Salla: Secret NRO space stations to be revealed in limited disclosure plan
French MoD ‘contacted’ aliens during bizarre experiment, document reveals
Huge orb UFO over crowd
PRG Update 21 Dec 2015
Steven Greer & David Wilcock - The Matrix
Corey Goode & David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 2 episode 13 - viewer questions Part 1
Zero Point - the story of Mark McCandlish and the free energy fluxliner space craft
China's Chang'e-3 moon mission solves long-standing mysteries
Corey Goode & David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 2 episode 14 - the threat from artificial intelligence
Corey Goode & David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 2 episode 15 - Standing Guard against the A.I.
Corey Goode & David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 2 episode 16 - New Frontiers in the A.I. War
I have proved aliens exist claims doc who snapped best UFO pic of the year
Secret space program gallery
Giant UFO over Iran
PRG Update 30 Dec 2015
UFO sightings, pre 1900 case files, photos and more
Corey Goode & David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 2 episode 17 - viewer questions Part 2
The Secret Space Program full documentary
Recreating Balance: Star Wars connections
Corey Goode and David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 3 episode 1 - Inner Earth
Steve Bassett: Full UFO disclosure briefing [complete video]
David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure
Dr Steven Greer - most amazing UFO footage! (NellisAirForceBase) unraveling the deception
This is Australia’s incredible UFO cover up story. 50 years later witnesses are still in search of answers
Richard Dolan - Reclaiming our freedom from a lifetime of UFO secrecy
Michael Salla: Inner Earth civilizations embark on negotiations to end isolation from humanity
Corey Goode: As we decide what is true & disinfo the secret earth government syndicates & earth alliance...
The bizarre object which fell from the sky
Corey Goode & David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 3 episode 2 - a Goode trip to the inner earth
Michael Salla: Secret negotiations over disclosure of Extraterrestrial life & inner earth civilizations
US navy spies learned secrets of Nazi anti-gravity spacecraft
UFO filmed by Russian cosmonaut from the MIR space station
New leaked Russian UFO footage - released 2016
Corey Goode and David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 3 episode 3 - Ubuntu and the blue avian message Pt 1
Bashar: Why won't UFOs just land already
PRG Update 25 January 2016
Incredible images from 1958 show mind boggling UFO over Mexico
The CIA has just released thousands of top secret UFO X-files
Corey Goode and David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 3 episode 4 - revelations from the inner earth
Michael Salla: Apollo missions ended because extraterrestrials prevented US navy bases on moon
Aliens forced Americans out from the moon
China just released true color HD photos of the moon
Corey Goode and David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 3 episode 5 - the grand tour of inner earth
David Wilcock: Wisdom Teachings season 19 episode 8 - the Mars transfer
Thousands of Documents Disclosing Aliens-UFOs soon to be released by US Navy Whistleblower
Corey Goode and David Wilcock: Cosmic Disclosure season 3 episode 8 - Inner Earth - Debriefing with the Alliance