- 1,200 Dogs Saved from Meat Trucks: A Rush to Help Rescuers - More than 1,200 dogs have been intercepted in two separate raids by Thai coalition forces. The Royal Thai Police, the Royal Thai Navy Border Patrol and members of the Animal Activists Alliance Thailand have arrested international dog meat smugglers in the Ban Phang District of Nakorn Phanom Province. On Saturday alone, a convoy with around 800 dogs was intercepted late at night. The dogs had been kept in the jungle for
several days without food and water and are very weak.
The scale of the problem is massive and well beyond the normal operating budget of Soi Dogs. Help is urgently needed to shelter and treat the rescued dogs and also help bring an end to the illegal dog meat trade. To help, please visit the Soi Dogs website here. ~ Care2
- The 12th annual VegNews Veggie Awards - Welcome to the 2012 Veggie Awards™, the largest survey of its kind in the world. By voting, you and tens of thousands of VegNews readers will choose today's hottest vegan people, places, and products. This annual celebration has become one of the magazine's most anticipated features, with winners announced in the November+December edition of VegNews. ~ VegNews Magazine
- Stop Solomon Islands From Trading in Captive Birds! - According to numerous news sources, the Solomon Islands have been "laundering" wild birds caught illegally and passing them off as captive bred. The list of birds so cruelly treated includes the critically endangered yellow-crested cockatoo and the chattering lory along with many, many others which are on the international red list.
Tell Solomon Islands Prime Minister Danny Philip to put an immediate stop to this criminal practice, which results in the loss of so many beautiful and endangered birds! ~ Care2peititionsite
- Yes! Let’s declare a global sanctuary in the Arctic - In the last 30 years, we’ve lost as much as three-quarters of the floating ice cap at the top of the world. The volume of that sea ice measured by satellites in the summer, when it reaches its smallest, has shrunk so fast that scientists say it’s now in a ‘death spiral’.
For over 800,000 years, ice has been a permanent feature of the Arctic ocean. It’s melting because of our use of dirty fossil fuel energy, and in the near future it could be ice free for the first time since humans walked the Earth. This would be not only devastating for the people, polar bears, narwhals, walruses and other species that live there - but for the rest of us too.
The ice at the top of the world reflects much of the sun’s heat back into space and keeps our whole planet cool, stabilising the weather systems that we depend on to grow our food. Protecting the ice means protecting us all ~ Greenpeace
Sir Paul McCartney backs the campaign to Save the Arctic!
He wrote about why here:
- Don't Let Korea Kill Whales for Research! - South Korean fishermen have complained that whales are eating all of their fish. Now, the government has applied to the International Whaling Commission for permission to begin killing whales -- supposedly to research whether the whales are, indeed, fulfilling their end of the food chain. ~ Care2peititionsite
Note: The petition author, Lynn Hamilton, has now closed the petition and sent this message to all its signers: Success! Korea has scrapped its plans to start whaling.
Thank you SO much for signing this important action. You can read more at this address:
South Korea scraps whaling plans
- Stop the Namibia Fur Seal Slaughter - In Namibia, South Africa, 85,000 Cape Fur Seals pups are scheduled to be slaughtered, by being beaten to death on July 1st, 2012.
An additional 6,000 adult bulls seals will be shot at point black range, and their genitals will be exported to the East where they are used to make ineffective sex potions for the Asian Market. This, despite they are listed on Appendix II of the United Nations Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. ~ Care2
- Calgary Stampede: Ban Chuckwagon Races - The Calgary Stampede celebrated its 100th anniversary this year...by killing three more horses in a chuckwagon race, spurring outrage from animal advocates and calls to ban chuckwagon races for good. ~ Care2 13 July 2012
- Urge Australia to Stop Gunning Down Camels From Helicopters! - (PETA) The Australian government is reportedly gunning down unwanted feral camels from helicopters to reduce their populations. Aerial hunts are exceedingly cruel, often only maiming animals who then die slow, agonizing deaths. Families are torn apart, and young and weak animals starve or die of dehydration. Apparently, 8,000 camels have already been killed, but up to 50,000 camels are being targeted! Your voice is needed today!
Please urge Australian officials to ditch aerial hunting - and then forward this message widely! Unwanted animals can be humanely controlled using exclusion techniques and deterrents. If killing is insisted upon, methods should be more humane.
Send polite comments to:
Jan Ferguson
Managing Director
Ninti One Limited
- Halt Construction on Belo Monte Dam - If construction on Belo Monte Dam proceeds, over 20,000 will lose their homes as the Xingu River floods miles of the Amazon Basin. Its face will change forever, says Bianca Jagger, whose Human Rights Foundation is pleading with Brazil to stop this insanity.
Target: Brazil President Dilma Rousseff
Sponsored by: Susan V
- Don't Drown out Dolphins' Voices - The Department of the Interior is proposing seismic testing along the Middle and South Atlantic. Tens of thousands of dolphins and whales will be affected, including endangered right whales, whose only known calving grounds are at the edge of the testing zone. Sign TODAY to tell the government that we need to protect dolphins and whales in the Atlantic, not drive them away.
Target: President Barack Obama and Mr. Gary D. Goeke, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Department of the Interior
Sponsored by: Oceana
- Crisis In Sagel - Right now more than 18 million people in this region of West and Central Africa, known as the Sahel, are facing a desperate shortage of food. And what really gets to me is that the world knows how to stop this cycle of one crisis after another, and yet we allow it to continue. We need to do better.
Click here to join me and automatically add your name to our petition telling world leaders that, as they fully fund the UN humanitarian appeal, they must also urgently deliver on the commitments they've made that could break this cycle. ~ ONE International
- Let's Make the Seal Hunt History! - Canada's commercial seal hunt has reached a crucial moment. The markets for seal products are disappearing. There are now seal product restrictions around the world, and the value of seal pelts has dropped dramatically -- from over $100 per pelt in 2006 to just $18 now.
However, the Canadian Government continues to subsidize the sealing industry with taxpayer money. They are planning to fight the EU's seal product ban in the WTO and, most baffling, they have set the annual seal hunt quote at 400,000 seals.
The Canadian Government isn't getting the message: the world doesn't want Canada's dead seals! Let's make it clear to the Canadian Government that it's time to make the seal hunt history.
- Veganpalooza 2012 Vegetarian World Summit - From Wednesday, July 11th to Sunday, July 15th, 2012, we will bring together and expand our community with an event that will empower you with the tools to heal and awaken your Mind, Body and Spirit!
- Stop Greenland Killing Whales to Feed Tourists - An investigation by the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society revealed that hotels and restaurants in Greenland openly sell fin, minke, beluga and narwhal meat, often presented in "fun" ways, for example as whale burgers.
Tell Denmark to stop allowing the slaughter of these intelligent and endangered creatures for such a trite purpose. ~ Care2petitionsite (Jul 09 2012)
- World to Dilma: Save the Amazon - "We call on you to take immediate action to save Brazil's precious forests by vetoing the changes to the forest law. We also urge you to prevent further murders of environmental activists and workers by increasing law enforcement against illegal loggers and ramping up protection for people at risk from violence or death. The world needs Brazil to be an international leader on the environment, your strong action now will safeguard the planet for future generations." ~ Avaaz.org
- Save the Saddest Dolphins - 25 wild dolphins are facing a tormented life of captivity because Resorts World Sentosa wants a new attraction. But our global outcry can make the whole project a public relations disaster, and secure their freedom. Sign the petition to free the saddest dolphins, and fight the wild-captured dolphin trade. ~ Avaaz.org
- Bullfighting is not culture; it is cruelty - Please let UNESCO know that you would never support a move to accept bullfighting, or any other act of animal cruelty, as a practice worthy of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Any successful listing of this despicable activity by UNESCO would not only give a veneer of respectability to the torture of animals for public entertainment, but it would also mean that subsidies may be made available to financially safeguard the future of bullfighting.
Please speak out for bulls today — sign on to our letter to UNESCO now. ~ Humane Society International
- Ban Live Export - If you care about animals, help us to end the cruelest trade in Australian history... ~ RSPCA
- Part 2 - The slaughter of a sentient being - "The movement toward humanely raised food animals simply assuages our guilt more than it actually reduces animal suffering. If we truly want our actions to reflect the compassion for animals we say we have, then the answer is very simple. We can stop eating them. How can this possibly be considered anything but a rational and merciful response to a violent and vacuous ritual? Every animal born into this world for his or her flesh, eggs or milk—only to be killed for human pleasure—has the same desire for maternal comfort and protection, the same ability to feel pain, and the same impulse to live as any living creature."
- Save The World's Saddest Dolphins - 25 bottlenose dolphins that once roamed free and wild in the vast Pacific Ocean, are now facing a life of captivity, boredom, stress, claustrophobia, frustration and slow death, thanks to Resort World, which plans to keep them in its spa at Sentosa, Singapore. Two of their family have already died during the ordeal. Please help save these remaining animals. ~ ACRES ~
- Vote in the VegFestUK 2011 Awards - Ask a friend to vote in the VegFest 2011 Awards.
- Join The Independent campaign to ban wild animals in circuses - Around 20 wild animals such as lions and tigers perform tricks in the big top. Please back The Independent's campaign - supported by the RSPCA and other animal charities - to end this spectacle.
We, the undersigned, call on the Government to ban wild animals from circuses - and to set out a timetable for doing so. ~ The Independent ~
- Save Elephants: End International Ivory Trade - Twenty years ago elephants were being wiped out by poachers. International outcry halted the trade in ivory and elephant herds started to recover. Now, elephants are in crisis once again. The ivory trade continues to flourish and seizures of illegal ivory are skyrocketing. Recently, stockpile sales to Japan and China sent a signal to poachers that it is open season on elephants. The lesson is crystal clear: Any legal ivory trade leads to illegal killing.
Join the fight to help free elephants from the threat of ivory poaching. Please sign the petition to urge the European Union to protect the world's remaining elephants by opposing any further international trade in ivory.
* Target: European Union
* Sponsored by: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
- Bali Declares World Vegan Organic Day - Bali declares Sunday, March 27th 2011 as World Vegan Organic Day and Friday as Free Animal Product Day.
The declaration by Bali Governor, Made Mangku Pastika, accompany by Head of Ashram Telaga Emas, Ratu Bagus Ida Pandita Empu Nabe Prama Daksa Nata Ratu Bagus at Muncan Village, Selat Subdistrict, Karangasem Regency, 90 km toward East of Denpasar.
During opening of "Saving Planet Festival" held by Bali Green Community (BGC), Governor accompanied by Mrs. Ayu Pastika hopes, this declaration to the world can save planet from risks of global warming.
- China: Don't Support Bear Bile Farms! - Bears farmed for their bile, a common ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine, live on factory farms in small cages they can barely move in. Farmers extract their bile through tubes surgically implanted into their gall bladders. And the result of this cruelty is that the bears, in addition to suffering infections and liver cancer, only live about 5 years. A bear in the wild lives 25.
Now, the Gui Zhen Tang Pharmaceutical Corporation, which farms bears for their bile, wants inclusion in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. This move is widely opposed by bloggers and animal welfare groups because of the inherent cruelty their listing would support.
Tell the Shenzhen Stock Exchange not to condone and support animal cruelty by allowing inclusion of the Gui Zhen Tang Pharmaceutical Corporation.
* Target: Officials at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
* Sponsored by: Care2.com
- Tell Korea to Ban Burying Animals Alive! - Since the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in late 2010, approximately 1 million animals have been killed when this infectious disease spread throughout crowded factory farms in South Korea. Many of these animals have been buried alive in mass graves.
Using live burial as a disease control method contradicts both the domestic animal protection law and Korea's obligations under the World Organization for Animal Health's Guidelines on the Killing of Animals for Disease Control Purposes. Watch the video, taken by South Korean activist group CARE, to see this abuse for yourself.
You can help animals in South Korea and at home! Please contact the South Korean embassy in the United States and ask it to pressure the South Korean government to promise that it will never bury animals alive again and that it will implement less cruel ways of dealing with disease. Then order your vegetarian/vegan starter kit to start saving more than 100 animals every year from the abusive meat, dairy, and egg industries. ~ PETA ~
- End Lamb Mutilations - Every year, 4 million live sheep used by the Australian wool industry are exported by
ship to the Middle East and North Africa for slaughter. Many
of these sheep have been discarded by wool farmers because they have aged and
their wool production has declined. Sheep are crowded together on multi-tiered
ships for horrifying journeys across the ocean in all weather extremes. They
endure filthy conditions, and many succumb to disease or starve to death. The
survivors are dragged from the ships by their legs and have their throats cut
while they are still conscious. ~ PETA ~
You can help end the barbaric mulesing mutilations and the cruel live export
of lambs and sheep by immediately taking action on the alerts below.
- Ban All Animal-Tested Cosmetics in the EU! - In 2009, the European Union pledged to ban the sale of all new animal-tested cosmetics in the EU by 2013. Three animal tests are still allowed until that deadline. Under the original plan, these tests would be banned by the 2013 deadline so the sale of ALL new animal-test cosmetics would be prohibited in the EU. But the cosmetic industry officials want this deadline delayed further, possibly for another ten years.
Tell European leaders to keep the 2013 deadline to ban the sale of all new animal-tested cosmetics in the EU.
* Target: European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek
* Sponsored by: Care2.com
- Former McDonald's president to start healthy fast-food chain - Celebrity chefs to create menu that includes low-fat, healthy, vegan and vegetarian options. Founder Stephen Sidwell and CEO Mike Roberts recently announced plans to launch LYFE ("Love Your Food Everyday") Kitchen, a transformational, socially responsible "lyfestyle" brand that will open in Palo Alto, Calif., this summer.
Roberts, who previously oversaw more than 31,000 McDonald's restaurants in 118 countries, resigned as president and chief operating officer of the fast-food empire in 2006. He was approached by Sidwell, an investment banker, and the two agreed that the time was ripe for a healthy fast-food option.
- Victory! Lipton Ends Cruel Animal Tests - "We are thrilled to announce that after more than 40,000 supporters of PETA and its affiliates around the world sent e-mails urging Unilever to stop testing tea on animals and after representatives from PETA and our affiliates in India and Europe flew to London to meet with Unilever—the world's largest tea maker, which makes the Lipton and PG Tips brands—the company agreed to halt all such tests. In a message just posted on its website, Unilever states, "Unilever is committing to no animal testing for our tea and tea-based beverages, with immediate effect." ~ PETA ~
- No Mega-Dam In The Amazon - Brazil's top environmental regulator resigned last week under pressure to allow the hugely destructive Belo Monte Dam Complex, which would scar the Amazon and displace thousands of people. Protect the Amazon, its people, and its species -- sign the petition to Brazil's President Dilma opposing the dam and calling for energy efficiency instead.
- End unpunished cruelty and propaganda of sadism towards animals - This petition has been created to end unpunished cruelty and propaganda of sadism towards animals in Russia. Our country still hasn't got federal law of animal protection.
Help now to protect our animals of this horrible "nobody cares" reality! Please sign this petition.
* Sponsored by: Citizens of Russian Federation
- Global Bee Emergency -- Act Now! - Bees are dying off worldwide and our entire food chain is in peril. Scientists blame toxic pesticides and four European governments have already banned them. If we get the US and the EU to join the ban, other governments across the world could follow, and save bees from extinction. Sign the petition and forward this urgent appeal.
- Project: FIN - Aims to bring down consumption of shark's fins by spreading awareness to consumers and businesses. As we progress with time, it is important that people recognise that the importance of cultural practices should not supercede the importance of maintaining sustainability, as the Earth's resources are not inexhaustible. The group is based in Singapore, which is currently one of the world's largest entrepot ports for the shark's fin trade despite its size.
If you have not caught the movie: Sharkwater Trailer
- ONE.org - By adding our voice, we can show that even in hard times, people around the world still care about those who don't have access to clean water or basic healthcare. The kind of extreme poverty that sees nearly 400,000 children born each year with HIV when this is completely preventable through simple treatment.
We can prevent this – by 2015 we can deliver the medicines so that no child is born with HIV. It starts with all of us asking world leaders to support efforts to make it happen.
I’ve added my name. Please add yours: Sign The Petition
Together we can achieve a world where no child is born with HIV by 2015.
- Days left to stop mass extinction - Many whales are among the 1/3rd of all life on the planet that is being driven to extinction. World governments are meeting this week to consider a bold plan to protect 20% of the world's oceans and lands by 2020.
We have 4 days left, and a global public outcry could tip the balance. Click to sign the petition for the 20/20 plan.
- MeatfreeCOP16 -
With COP16 around the corner, delegates and world leaders from around the world will once again be meeting to discuss the current climate change issues our planet faces. Send a message to encourage delegates to make an ethical lifestyle choice for world health, for the environment and for the animals.
- WWF - The Living Planet Report is the world's leading, science-based analysis on the health of our only planet and the impact of human activity.
Humanity's demands exceed our planet's capacity to sustain us. That is, we ask for more than what we have.
- 10/10/10: Find an Event Near You - This Sunday, 10/10/10, we'll smash a world record: citizens of 187 nations have organized more than 6300 "climate work parties," from Singapore to Palau. The message: the world's people are taking action on climate -- and it's time for governments to join us.
Let's show that the global climate movement is energized, everywhere, and enormous -- click to find an event.
- Searl Effect Generator - This is a great technology that will change the world to be Green. Please take a few minutes of your time to register and vote for this company.
- Urge Congress to Outlaw Videos of Animal Cruelty - The Supreme Court recently rejected a federal law aimed at banning videos displaying graphic violence against animals, saying it violates the constitutional right to free speech. While the rights of American citizens should be honored, those being harmed in the videos should also be remembered.
It is not right to make a profit from images of animals being brutalized and tortured. A better defined ban on the sale of videos displaying malicious acts of cruelty, such as dog fighting, should be enforced.
Please, sign this petition asking Congress to outlaw videos of animal cruelty.
*Target: U.S. Congress
*Sponsored by: Care2.com
- SaveJapanDolphins.org - I hope you'll join me in this campaign to stop the killing of dolphins in Japan. Most people in Japan don't have any idea that the dolphin slaughter is even happening. If we can spread the word around the world - and especially in Japan - we can expose the secret of Taiji and force the Japanese government to stop it. We can win this issue - but we need your help!
At the Cove in Taiji, the dolphin killing continues. Although the killing of bottlenose dolphins - the primary target species - has dramatically decreased compared to previous seasons, they, along with other dolphin species, including many pilot whales and Risso's dolphins, continue to be captured for aquariums and slaughtered for meat by the Taiji fishermen. The fight for the protection of all marine mammals goes on. For updates on the situation, visit our Blog. (A Note From Ric O'Barry)
- Say NO to GE Food - Greenpeace, a civil society organisation working on varied issues including sustainable agriculture, is sending
an open letter to the National Advisory Council (NAC) Chairperson Mrs Sonia Gandhi. The letter asks her to make the Government re-draft this bill after consulting the public. I have already signed this letter and more signatures will make the case stronger. Can you also sign this letter to Sonia Gandhi?
- Ban Bullfighting in one of Spain's Largest Regions! - Target: The Catalonian Parliament Sponsored by: World Society of the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
Every year, hundreds of thousands of bulls die in the name of entertainment. But this may change because the Catalonian government is on the verge of voting for a ban on bullfighting.
After a huge anti-cruelty campaign by the Catalonian public, the regional parliament will vote on July 28th whether to ban bullfight for good. We want every Catalonian MP to know there are
thousands of people around the world who want to end this cruel 'sport'.
This is an historic moment and we need your help. Sign the petition urging the Catalonian Parliament to end the blood sport of bullfighting - we only have until July 28th.
- Stop the Sable Island Seal Slaughter - A recent proposal prepared for the Government of Canada would see 220,000 grey seals killed and incinerated in their protected Sable Island nursery. Please urge the Canadian government to categorically reject this outrageous proposal. Sign the petition (care2petitionsite) today to ensure that Sable Island's grey seal population is spared this sickening slaughter, and that the island remains a protected habitat for seals.
- Sign The Whale Petition - The international vote that could legalize commercial whale hunting is just days away. 650,000 of us have signed the petition to protect whales, and an Avaaz team is on the ground to make sure they're heard -- let's super-charge this campaign by hitting 1 million signatures!
- GreenPeace - Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning
organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace by:
* Catalysing an energy revolution to address the number one threat facing our planet: climate change.
* Defending our oceans by challenging wasteful and destructive fishing, and creating a global network of marine reserves.
* Protecting the world's ancient forests and the animals, plants and people that depend on them.
* Working for disarmament and peace by tackling the causes of conflict and calling for the elimination of all nuclear weapons.
* Creating a toxic free future with safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals in today's products and manufacturing.
* Campaigning for sustainable agriculture by rejecting genetically engineered organisms, protecting biodiversity and encouraging
socially responsible farming.
Greenpeace is present in 40 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Pacific. To maintain its independence, Greenpeace does not accept donations from governments or corporations but relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants.
- Save The Rain Forest - Help Spread The Word About Save The Rain Forest.
- Stop Japan from Commercial Whaling - Primary Focus: To convince the International Whaling Commission
to deny Japan's most recent request for a commercial whaling program
in coastal waters. Secondary Focus: To convince the IWC to close
the loophole that allows Japan to kill protected Minke and endangered
humpback and fin whales in the protected Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.