Jul 16th, 2023

The Era of Mother Mary has begun

Dear family of love and light, the Divine has a message for you.

The Divine says that today is a significant day. Today, the planet has started a brand new era, an era of Mother Mary has started today. Mother Mary has taken her leadership role in the tradition called Christianity and on new earth, Mother Mary is the sole leader of reformed Christianity and her tenure began today.

The Divine and the company of heaven have been helping and clearing Christianity. In the process, the deep clearing and healing has been done to all souls who have been involved in the creation of Christianity and development of Christianity. The Divine also has reconfigured and reformed Christianity so that the tradition will keep the wisdom and lessons learned from the past and leave the distortion, miscreation, misinterpretation behind. All parties have been cleared and now the tradition has been cleared and ready to move forward onto new earth.

As the Divine design, Mother Mary is the sole leader for Christianity tradition on new earth. She has worked hard for it and now, finally, she has arrived at her rightful place as the leader of the tradition. Mother Mary is very grateful for all the loving support and help and she is indeed very pleased with the achievement and great help received across time and space and from all sources throughout the cosmos.

On Gaia's new earth, religion has no place. Souls will be awakened to their own divinity within. Christianity is no longer a religion. It will be a tradition that will be led by Mother Mary and practice spiritual laws and Gaia's ascension laws. Being the leader of the tradition, Mother Mary calls Christians to wake up and follow the spiritual laws and Gaia's new earth design and laws. She has a lot to share. And she is ready and waiting.

The Divine and the company of heaven are eager to help Mother Mary and her tradition in whatever way possible. However, the Divine knows that the old religion needs to die and it is in the process of being dismantled. Therefore, the planet needs a period of time for the old teachings and practices to be transmuted and left behind. So the new tradition will be picked up and the Divine and the company of heaven understand that. That is what the Divine design is and Mother Mary is totally ok with the process.

Thank you for your powerful love and light. Great work indeed. Go and celebrate a brand new day. Know that the era of Mother Mary has begun. Christianity has been reformed and now is a new tradition on new earth. And the new tradition starts today. Mother Mary is the leader of this new tradition. That is the news.

Linda Li, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.

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