
March 5th, 2021A quick update by the Divine
Dear beloved family of love and light, the Divine has a quick update for you. The Divine says that after the initiations and activations we had over the last few days, there are thousands of light warriors who have been activated for their next chapter of their mission. The planet earth, too, was also being activated and now she has started her formal rebuilding phase.
What that means is that the planet is now in the serious process of the ascension and remapping. This process has been foretold over the millenia. And now the process has officially started which means from now on, all Gaia's children on earth are going to be ascended, and mother earth's rebuilding and reconstruction has begun. The planet wide rebuilding process has officially begun dear ones.
This remapping process is meticulously designed and preordained by the Heavens for the sake of the planet earth and human race. In the process, there will be serious reconstruction and rebuilding of Mother Earth, and all lives on earth will also be ascended to a higher realm. Mother Earth's rebuilding is the primary and foremost concern right now simply because all lives on earth depend on her. Mother Earth needs to be stable and survive so that all the sentient beings on earth can survive and live a life on the planet.
Since this rebuilding process is extremely delicate and demanding, we, the Divine have prepared all sorts of plans and scenarios so that when the process starts and when the operations encounter any difficulties, we, the Divine and the heavenly hosts will have plans ready and deal with the encounters readily. That is why we, the Divine has been busy preparing.
However, now the preparation is over. Now the rebuilding phase has begun. And the planet wide process has just started. We, the Divine want to let you know that the time ahead is going to be different dear ones.
The rebuilding of the planet earth has started dear children. The process of remapping is the reason why you came here and incarnated in human form. Planet earth now is in need of all of you. Her remapping is something humanity has never seen before, and that is why you all are here dear angels on earth. Mother Earth needs your peaceful presence, and loving support. Your pure presence makes a huge difference. And your loving attention calms Mother Earth and humanity's anxiety.
Please stay in the heart dear ones. Know that the starting point of the planetary great rebuilding process has arrived. From now on, things will change dramatically. Humanity will need peace and calm which only you, dear light warriors, can provide. Be the peace dear ones and be the light house for your brothers and sisters, and know that your light matters. You have, deep down, what it takes to anchor the planet and human race to a place called peace and equilibrium. And now is time to do that.
We love you. We are with you. Go in peace now. So it is.
Linda Li, Mother Divine, Mother Mary and Guan Yin.
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