Sep 5th, 2023

Divine announcement. The final disclosure has started today

Dear family of love and light, the Divine has a message for the planet and humanity.

Today, the Divine has announced the start of the final disclosure. The Divine says that the planetary ascension has reached a point that the next step will be the final disclosure. The final disclosure has few components in it. One of the components is the establishment of the Divine government on earth. And the Divine says that the installation of the Divine government on earth has started. That is the news.

The Divine says that it is time for the planet and humanity to know that it is time for the final disclosure and the process has started. As for the length of the final disclosure and related events, the Divine says that more details will come. For now, the news is that the Divine has begun the installation of the Divine government on earth and the Divine has given the timeline which is by end of the year to finish the transition. The Divine says that the Divine has given the notice to the current leader and it is the final notice.

The Divine says that the process of the installation of the Divine government on earth will unfold in the next few months. It is all Divinely orchestrated and Divine timing. Souls involved in this process have all been informed and the process shall be smooth. No soul on earth has the right to be up against this particular Divine order and design. The Divine has all the elements in place now. What has left is the unfoldment of the Divine plan.

The Divine says that once the Divine government is being established on earth, Gaia's remapping process will start. Countries on earth will follow suit and the entire planet will start the rebuilding process. Gaia has designed it this way. Now is time to move forward with the Divine plan. The Divine says that Gaia has all elements ready and the Divine, too, is ready to move forward with the process. The Divine encourages light workers to keep up the good work and know that the Divine plan has unfolded nicely. The final disclosure has started. There is plenty of good news.

Gaia and the Divine are happy that the process has begun and eager to get the ball rolling. Light workers have worked hard for this moment, and now this moment has arrived. It is time to celebrate and it is light worker's time and it is light's victory. Celebration is long overdue. So go celebrate now.

Thank you for your dedication and great work. Divine blessings to you always.

Linda Li, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.

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