Sep 10th, 2023

All of the preparation and activations for the final disclosure is done

Dear family of love and light, the Divine has great news for you.

As of today, the Divine says that all of the elements for the final disclosure are in place. All of the events that are related to the final disclosure have been activated. The stage has been set and all of the preparation and activations are done. What comes next is the show time. Time to pop your popcorn and enjoy the show dear ones.

The Divine says that the final disclosure has different parts and components. Some parts will happen in the United States. Other components will happen in other parts of the world. They are in an order which is strategically designed by Gaia and the Divine. And all of these events are for the purpose of the next phase of Gaia's ascension. The Divine says that Gaia has designed these events and now she is content and happy that the final disclosure is finally here for the world to see.

The Divine says in the upcoming days, final disclosure related events will start unfolding. The Divine and Gaia are grateful for the process which is done and with the help of millions of light workers. The Divine is very pleased with the contributions that light workers have made and have great appreciation for a job well done.

Gaia, too, is extremely thankful for all the hard work that our light workers have put in. And now all the hard work has paid off. The final disclosure is coming. Gaia's next phase of the rebuilding process is in the near future and the Divine government is coming as well. Indeed, there are so many happenings and our light workers have done a great job to make all of these possible.

So, your efforts have paid off dear ones. It is time to sit back and enjoy the show. The final disclosure is coming. Gaia's ascension has advanced another milestone. And the Divine government is coming as well. The planet has entered into another epic. And all is for the greater good of all concerned. Gaia is indeed so excited and grateful for your hard work and peaceful presence. Divine love for you always.

Linda Li, Gaia, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.

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