In order to gain a deeper understanding of our space brothers and sisters,
what they look like, where they live and how they travel, we must understand
some basic metaphysical principles. First we must know that
in back of the physical manifestation of one or more of the five vibratory
elements, behind all material forms, there is a guiding force: a spiritual
impulse of super-conscious Intelligence which determines the forms of all
things. In God all things are conscious.
Our scientists can trace the law of cause and effect all
the way back to the subatomic particles, but beyond that they have no reckoning.
Herein lies room for the emergence of a divine Intelligence, an Intelligence
which determines the arrangement of particles to form the various chemical
elements that form the foundation of our material world. In reality things are
not at all as they appear, because the physical cosmos is nothing more that the
union of intelligence with substance. Thus we are dealing with a universe of
vibratory action. Everything is energy. Do not think that life is bound to five
vibrations of sensory perception, for it is much more. As we become more subtle
in our consciousness we begin to perceive more rarified octaves of energy and
light. Everything is life. Everything is alive with consciousness.
We must realize that the distance between the atoms in
our bodies (atoms being building blocks of all matter) is exactly proportional
to the distance between the stars. In other words, if we take two atoms and
multiply them to the size of stars, the ratio of the distance between them is
the same. But when we observe the life in our bodies, where does it exist? Only
in the heart? Or brain? Or lungs? Of course not. Life is present everywhere in
our bodies. That is why if someone touches any part of your body you can feel
it. Now, do you limit the life in your bodies to a cell or an organ? Or do you
say that life is a universalized presence in the body? It is, upon thinking,
universalized. That is why all living bodies radiate heat.
Furthermore, do you think that the life is limited to
each atom, or is it the cohesive force which connects the atoms? It must connect
the atoms, otherwise why would they disintegrate upon the transition called
death? Therefore life spans the space between the atoms.
Taking this concept to the next logical conclusion, is it
so difficult to realize that since the relative distances between atoms and
between stars are the same, that life permeates interstellar spaces as it does
the inter-atomic spaces? Lastly, don't scientists realize that what they call
plasma is the same as body heat? It is, and this will become a major scientific
discovery that will prove the existence of what we call God. This is the
explanation of Christ (Rama, Krishna, Buddha) Consciousness. Just as you are the
supreme consciousness in relation to the mini-consciousness of each cell in your
body, so is Christ the Supreme Consciousness in relation to the
mini-consciousness of our egos. An avatar or liberated soul is one who is
identified with the Supreme Consciousness and thus is omnipresent. This is the
state that we call God. But there is a state beyond that, and that is the state
beyond the body whether it be physical or universal. That is the supreme "I"
existing in the vibration-less void beyond creation-unqualified
Being-unqualified non-dualism that the Hindus call Paramatman.
With this in mind, we realize that all apparent individuals are only expressions
of one individual "I AM". This "I AM" is life.
It is pure unqualified energy, and whenever the "I AM" contacts matter, the
matter is activated and comes alive. Thus, because our space friends and the
ascended masters exhibit a greater degree of "I AM" identification than most
humans, they inhabit higher vibrational worlds and are able to live in
multidimensional consciousness. Their presence proves that souls were not meant
to be bound in the physical vibrations of any planet; but if they realize who
they are, they can manifest perfect freedom.
Many space friends are coming into the vibratory field of Earth and do so according
to various means. The highest are the ascended masters and those in their charge.
There are many space brothers and sisters that travel in huge mother-ships on beams of light.
Many of them are from other galaxies and from star systems within this galaxy.
Lastly, there are many souls that never became entangled in this Earth system, but have
received cosmic training in different, higher vibrational spheres. Among these souls, many
are sacrificing their great freedom and actually incarnating physically onto this planet, or
becoming Walk-ins. Keep in mind, however, that those who do so have been
training on Sirius and in other star systems to contend with the dense,
miss-qualified vibratory energies of this extreme world of opposites. Those that
incarnate from the latter class have usually had one or two more "practice"
incarnations at different points in Earth's recent history, meaning within the
last 10,000 years.
The Earth and her solar system are reaching the end of a
grand cycle of the ages. This is much greater than the cycle of 24,000 years
that we mentioned previously, and it's culmination will result in the graduation
of countless souls into the permanent awareness of the great "I AM". Therefore
this is a cosmic event that the hierarchies of angels and masters have been
preparing for, for aeons. This epochal transition coincides with the passage of
the Piscean into the Aquarian age. The Aquarian constellation represents the
powerful, spiritually charged waves of electromagnetic and spiritual energies
bombarding the earth and transforming the vibrations of all things moving,
living, breathing, or merely sitting upon her. All energy is being transmuted to
a higher frequency. Therefore, only souls who are able to stand these new
energies will be able to remain on the planet as we pass into the year
The transition may be visualized as such: Both Pisces and
Aquarius represent water. Pisces represents the emotional waters of personal
human feelings. The Piscean emotions are based entirely upon subject-object
dualities and opposites. It is either positive or negative and is always a
manifestation of reaction. "I do this, you feel that". Thus the symbol of Pisces
is indicative of tension, the inability to reconcile opposites. In order to
master this tension we must learn to walk on water like Jesus, or if you will,
we must learn to balance the emotional energies and transcend duality in our
Remember, all thoughts of anger, jealousy, irritation,
deceit, fear and other negative emotions are only reactions to circumstances
that appear in the outer world. Thus our mental states depend upon how we react.
No one is forced to be angry or irritated, but these states of thought-energy
become encoded into our mental structures by repeated indulgence in them, and
they thus become habits. All of these negative emotional habits keep our souls
Earthbound in a self-created ego prison with bars molded out of thoughts. Any
limitations that we perceive are only in our minds. Change your thoughts and you
change your life. This is the Great Law. Our space friends are proof of
What are you? Not what you think! Your outer reality or
personality is what you think, but you are not that. Your outer self is a
vehicle for your self-expression and you are eternal. You are that which watches
your thoughts pass through your mind. You are "I AM", the eternal uncreated
silent watcher. You are pure unqualified life, the "I AM" that causes the heart
to beat, the lungs to breath, the food to digest. Through the presence of
consciousness, which you are, dumb matter speaks and appears to be alive. By
identifying with our thoughts, which are none other than qualified vibrations of
life energy, we become attached to a particular reality pattern. But remember:
First "I AM", then I act. Your attention is your divine director. Let it be
free. By freeing our attention from limitations we are able to attune to any
thought vibration that we desire, and that will become our outer reality. In
order to free our attention from limitation we must simply tune in or
contemplate the great "I AM" presence, our own true selves. This "I AM" is
beyond thought and it the only power. Think of this day and night and you will
be free. This is the message of our space friends who have ascended in their
consciousness to this state.
Aquarius represents the infiltration of limited thought
patterns with unlimited "I AM" awareness. Aquarius represents the spiritual
waters of truth flowing out of the chalice of divine consciousness. It
represents the higher octaves of vibration of electromagnetic energy, which
corresponds to radio, television, astrology, telepathy and the divine ..s.
It is energy infused with Christ Consciousness. It is the new dispensation given
to humanity in order better to understand its origin and destiny. The secrets of
energy are revealed in Aquarius, and mankind will make tremendous strides
forward in this field. Aquarius is an air sign, but it is based upon watery air,
gas, or energy waves. Energy waves travel through space unhindered, as do our
souls and consciousness when we free ourselves from earthy limitations. Thus,
Aquarius reveals our future 2,000 years, just as we are leaving the Piscean age
after 2,000 years.
With all this going on, is it any wonder that we have
spectators? Our space friends have come to help. Not to help an alien
civilization, but to help their brothers and sisters. We are all souls with a
divine Parent who is God. First "I AM", then I ACT. Souls in the beginning were
free to act according to their desires. All souls in the beginning acted in
harmony with the Divine Will and never became attached to what they thought.
They simply experienced their thoughts as a Divine Play. But as time progressed,
many souls became attached to their Play and became entrapped in various systems
of thought vibrations which ultimately evolved into planets, stars, solar
systems, galaxies, and ultimately infinite island universes. All of this
occurred in the mind of God, the Supreme Cosmic Dreamer.
God is the supreme and final "I AM". God is the
all-invisible realm of thoughts from which everything comes and into which
everything must return. God in His aspect of Creator is the original thinker and
the original thought. That is why there is only one law present throughout the
entire system of universes. All has progressed according to His plan. Even we
are only His ideas in action, and as such have no ultimate individuality except
as Him. According to the degree that we are unattached to circumstances and
phenomena, we can roam freely to different star systems and universes, astral
(or thought) and causal (or ideational) worlds.
Though many space beings, who are only souls like us that
inhabit thought-worlds, actually incarnate here in the normal fashion, some walk
into full-grown bodies, others are beamed down from spaceships, which are only
thought-ships that materialize as they enter into this dimension, and still
others come here by mental projection. The highest are the ascended Masters who
are free from all limitation and can be anywhere they like in an instant. These
Great Ones merge into omnipresence and emerge wherever they like through the
simplest technique of identification. Anyone who can grasp what is about to be
discussed is getting a glimpse into his own future. For this is the destiny of
every soul everywhere, to be like Jesus, the great Yogi-Christs of India, and
the ascended Masters, all of whom exhibit the same awareness through
identification with the omnipresent "I AM" consciousness.
No one is from "this planet". Everyone is from God, or
consciousness. Everyone on Earth is actually a space being, but no one comes
from outer space. Really we come from inner space. All that we are, are
thoughts. This means that all concept of separation and personality is thought.
Thought itself comes and goes. We experience an idea and it passes. But our
consciousness does not come and go. It remains ever the witness to these
What is thought? It is energy and vibration that are like
waves that rise and fall. God is the still ocean of "I AM" awareness, and the
energy waves on His surface are the creation. All the waves exist in the ocean,
and when they rise they become manifest; when they fall they are unmanifest. An
ascended Master or Yogi does not identify with any particular wave, but merges
into the Supreme Identity and emerges at any point he desires. Thus, his travel
is instant. The original souls that inhabited this Earth, known as the Sons of
God, shared this knowledge. They too came from space, and different planets.
This is an open-ended universe.
Now we are going to share with you some knowledge about
ourselves and our planet. Where do you think Adam and Eve came from? Go in your
minds back to the beginning of humanity. Humanity as we know it from a
spiritual, metaphysical viewpoint. Let's go back before Atlantis and Lemuria,
before the advent of the Sons of God. Do not be confused if I speak of Adam and
Eve as individuals, for many know that they represent humanity. However, as the
first individuals, how did they get here? Five minutes before their advent the
Earth was quiet, and they arrived with a quiet humming sound, the sound of
vibrating electrons. They did not come by spaceship, as some may think, because
that is a useless machine to a free soul, unless he simply wants to enjoy the
idea of a spaceship. He doesn't need it to move from place to place. Actually,
they materialized right out of the ether, and the sound of the atoms arranging
themselves into human form created a hum.
The original humanity was divine. Of course we are too,
but you can say that we are fallen angels, ignorant of our true estate. However,
our true ancestors were gods. Even Jesus said so. The Sons of God came from
heaven to incarnate into the Earth. But let's go back to the original creation
and understand what is the substance of creation. Creation is essentially the
union of intelligence with substance. The great Yogis Paramahansa Yogananda and
Swami Vivekananda were the first to reveal these secrets to the Western world.
Both physics and Yoga philosophy describe a Big Bang or an initial point of
creative outlet, which expanded into the physical cosmos. The Yogis say that in
the beginning was the Word (yes, that is actually a Hindu concept) and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God. The Word is the sacred Aum vibration, the
creative intelligent force that guides creation. All forms, thoughts, entities,
ideas and concepts emerge from Aum, and Aum is omnipresent. As Saint John said,
without Him was not one thing made that was made. Aum is both the structure of
creation and the intelligent force guiding creation, and this is the basis of
Behind every creative form is its astral blueprint, or
the thought of which it is a manifestation. This thought is energy, but as an
idea it is eternal. The Akashic Records are the records of these eternal
thoughts that have at one time or another found manifestation in the physical
cosmos. Just as we tune a radio to different stations or frequency bands, so we
can attune our consciousness to any thought in the universe. Spiritual thoughts
are those of the highest frequency and give the most "listening pleasure". Thus,
we can conceive of a universe created out of thought that exists beyond this
physical cosmos and which feeds it with energy.
It is the physical atoms which, through polarization,
attach themselves to a particular astral blueprint that form planets. That is
what it meant by gravity. Gravity causes all matter to be attracted to an
invisible center. Were it not for essential resistance in matter, matter would
be absorbed into this point and disappear. But since there is resistance,
different forms can coagulate about these invisible points and form worlds. Do
not forget, however, that we are still dealing with energy and energy forms in
patterns. There is really no such thing as solid substance. Matter is only
condensed energy or thought. Whatever you think, you attract and become. Thought
is the basis of creation. Thus the mass consciousness determined by the sum
total of all thoughts experienced by all the souls on a particular planet
determines the mass karma of that planet and that race. This also applies to
nations, religions, cities, families or groups of any kind.
Furthermore, every soul is marked by the signature of his
particular vibration, which exhibits a color, a tone and a pattern. This
vibration is determined by the thoughts and feelings that he experiences. A
group of souls in harmony, all being polarized to a spiritual ideal, will create
a symphony among themselves. This symphony is created by mutual service and
cooperation. However, if souls of a self-seeking, self-indulgent nature come
together they create cacophony or discord. If strong enough, this discord can
destroy an entire planet.
That is the crisis that we face on Earth. Our planet
receives its life from the cosmic Source through certain energy grids. It is
like a radio. However, the mass karma of humanity is such that we create so much
discord that the pattern which sustains this planet is being disintegrated by
our disruptive energies. Just as when there is static on the radio, we can not
bring in a station, so do our thoughts create enough static to drown the energy
received from the Source. This does not mean that the initial energy is not
being sent, but it is being absorbed by discord.
This phenomenon is another reason why space beings are
coming to our aid. I know it sounds farfetched, but they are able to amplify the
cosmic energy necessary to revivify the etheric blueprint of our planet and
sustain it. This is done by concentrating energies of harmony and peace to the
most discordant areas. When this is not possible, the great cosmic beings effect
minor earth changes on the surface of the planet to release tension. When the
tension is more of a psychological nature it erupts in war. That is why the
presence of Babaji, as noted earlier, is so important to the well-being of
earthly humanity.
To say all of this in another way, our body is the Earth,
our mind is the astral blueprint of the Earth, our soul is the casual plane of
ideas that feed the astral plane with life. God is the source of the soul and
the supreme "I AM". God is unqualified life energy-the I AM THAT I
When there is too much discord in out body, our body
dies, and our soul and mental bodies move on. Let's not make our presence on
this Earth cancerous and kill its physical body. When we establish high mental
ideals we can conquer discord and destruction in our body. That is the task of
the disciple. When we polarize our mind to the "I AM", to the soul, we eradicate
all mental inharmony and establish mental and spiritual illumination. That is
the service rendered by Babaji to humanity. When this spiritual identification
is achieved, all souls may move on into the eternal freedom of cosmic
consciousness and the eternal joy of being with God, the supreme "I AM",
everywhere on every planet throughout eternity at the same time. It is true that
our space brothers and sisters have arrived. And we are they!
"Man is a microcosm, a replica of the macrocosm
(universe). The two - the individual and the universal - are intimately
interrelated, part to part. All that is without is also within and the spirit in
man despite the heavy load of physical and mental trammels has the capacity to
break through the thick enshrouding veils and peep into what lies beyond - the
perpetual sway of the Supreme God, the eternal self-existing Truth, perennially
the same from the beginning of time."
Frederick Von Mierers