Dated: 05 Oct 2024
As we witness the acceleration of transformational processes through increased solar activities, the solar flares are delivering powerful transmissions of extremely high frequencies of light from our Great Central Sun and Greater Central Sun, through our Sun, encoded with the New Earth codes and information.
Intensified solar flares (sudden explosions of electromagnetic energy from the Sun) release large amounts of highly magnetized plasma light into the solar wind, resulting in multiple geomagnetic storms. With the continuous transmission of the intergalactic plasma waves, we are being transformed at a molecular level—restructuring, recoding, and recalibrating our DNA system.
In the past four days, we were blasted with the two most powerful solar flares of 2024, including the X9.05 flare on October 3rd—the strongest solar flare in over seven years and the 42nd X-Class flare in 2024. To illustrate this acceleration: in 2023, we had 13 X-Class flares; in 2022, there were 7; and in 2021, only 2.
This surge in solar activity is bringing massive galactic clearings, activations, upgrades, and downloads, including heart space, solar plexus, and throat chakra upgrades, activations of the 8-12 higher chakras, upgrades to the nervous system, and massive light body and DNA activations.
Through integrating and embodying these high frequencies, we are capable of transforming the atomic structure of our bodies from carbon-based to the less dense, 5D crystalline light cells, building our plasma light body, which becomes our crystalline bridge to the higher dimensions. This is a remarkable alchemical process of the ascending human form.
This process of integrating and embodying plasmic light may result in increased ascension symptoms and could place our bodies in a state of extreme exhaustion. Much of the absorption and integration of plasmic light occurs during sleep. So instead of resting, our bodies are hard at work, in states of higher consciousness, awareness, and alertness. This can leave us feeling drained and fatigued.
As these high-frequency plasmic energies get transmitted to the top of our neck and through our skull, it could result in neck and shoulder pain and headaches. Incoming plasma light may also result in heightened thirst, so it's important to stay very well hydrated to assist the integration process.
Some other symptoms may include sinus pressure, ringing in the ears, sleeplessness, digestive issues, heightened emotional sensitivity, triggers, purging, and a surge of clarity, downloads, and revelations. ~ divineenergyworks
Soheila SGh