Sirian Procyonan Pleiadians Arcturian Andromedan Lyran SaLuSa Adama(Agarthan) Archangel Metatron Hilarion Ashtar Sheran/Archangel_michael St Germain Mother Sekmet(Nibiru)
Heaven On Earth
Wave Of Love Frequencies From The Galactic Core







  'Q' ------ THE EVENT (video)

(1st Qtr 2025 - 2027)

(1st Qtr 2025 - 2027)

(1st Qtr 2025 - 2027)

(1st Qtr 2025 - 2027)

(1st Qtr 2025 - 2027)

(Jan 2024 - 2053)

Note: (On January 20, 2024, we transitioned from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius. Pluto officially entered Aquarius on November 19, 2024 through Mar 08, 2043.)

                   THE GRAND EVENT IN PROGRESS!!! .  (November 2024 - 2025)

                  THE EVENT IMMINENT .  (2024 - 2025)

FINAL DISCLOSURE (Final process started on Sep 05, 2023)
.  (One of the components is the establishment of the Divine government on earth. And the Divine says that the installation of the Divine government on earth has started)

NEW GOVERNANCE .  Establishment of the Divine government on earth is on schedule. It was activated on Jan 02, 2023. The new governing system designed according to spiritual laws have started functioning on Jul 4, 2023.

POLAR SHIFT / NIBIRU / PHOTON BELT .  (2023-2025) - From the perspectives of the physics, it is quite a high probability that we will have a polar shift in the next 3 solar maximum. Either this one, or next one. It is a general consensus of physics ~ Cobra

.  The nemesis star system is getting closer to the planet every day. We're already at a point of getting closer, it's not the minimum point yet, but it's very close to the planet, which is bringing quite compromising situations on the planet for the entire surface population. We've told you in repeated messages to get ready. Preparation in all aspects, external and internal preparation. ~ Ashtar Sheran

.  The Photon Belt is a band of high-frequency photon and anti-matter particle energy that our solar system passes through in a regular cycle.It is composed of photons, gamma rays, and anti-matter particles. These high-frequency particles vibrate at a level that activates DNA and leads to cellular transformation. The Photon Belt orbits around the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Our solar system passes through this belt in a 26,000-year cycle. Half of this cycle, equaling approximately 13,000 years, is spent inside the Photon Belt. The other half is spent outside of it. We are currently approaching one of the 13,000-year periods where our solar system will be inside the Photon Belt. This is a monumental event that only happens every 13,000 years, signifying a major shift on Earth and within humanity! ~ Aurora Ray

~~ GOLDEN JUBILEE ~~ .  (2025)

     FIRST CONTACT (OFFICIAL) .  (1st Qtr 2025 - 2027) - The possible first physical contact from the Pleiadian Universal Race will occur around the partial Solar Eclipse of March 29th 2025. ~ Rick Jewers

MASS LANDINGS .  (1st Qtr 2025 - 2027) - Shortly after the end of this year’s solar maximum cycle.

              THE ANNOUNCEMENTS (Imminent!) .  (1st Qtr 2025 - 2027) - Shortly after the end of this year’s solar maximum cycle.

              RV / GCR (Imminent).  (1st Qtr 2025 - 2027)

.  * On 1st Jan, 2024 - all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.

.  * On 30th Jan, 2024 - deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.

.  * On 1st Oct, 2023 - All banks were required to be on the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System rather than the old SWIFT System based on the fiat US Dollar.

.  * Trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds are flooding back to Europe and 110 nations, revealing the alarming truth that the U.S. Corporation is teetering on the brink of insolvency. ~ Charlie Ward (Sep 02, 2023)

.  * On Sep 01, 2023, full integration of the Quantum Financial System took place.

.  * On Aug 22, 2023, the BRICS Summit appeared to have announced the Global Currency Reset through their launch of BRICS Pay, a decentralized multicurrency digital international payments system: The BRICS Alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa has expanded to include Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emeritus (UAE). The five BRICS memberships officially took effect on Jan 01, 2024. BRICS now controls 30% of the entire global economy. BRICS represents over half of the world’s population and close to 65% of the World’s GDP. BRICS Alliance will Control 80% of the World’s Oil Production by Jan 1, 2024. BRICS have created new Gold/asset-backed currencies to challenge the fiat US dollar, of which the new Gold/asset-backed US Treasury Note goes into effect on 01 April 2023. The new Global Financial System also became official on the same day. Approximately 85% of countries around the world will be part of BRICS and have their own gold/asset-backed currency.

.  * Months ago everything was completed for the Global Currency Reset, it just hasn’t been announced. The BRICS nations, BRICS bank and QFS have been fully trading in gold-backed digital currency for 8-9 months. ~ Charlie Ward (Aug 30, 2023)

.  * The Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022 was activated on Jun 01, 2023 - a universal language for global financial networks to communicate with each other. The 209 major countries now had their new gold/asset-backed currencies live on the QFS. As the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Israel, UK, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand were teetering on the brink of in-solvency, the World financial system is collapsing with the colossal collapse of SVB Banks in California setting off a catastrophic domino effect rippling across multiple countries. The banking collapse serves a higher purpose: to topple world banks, dismantle the IMF and expose the sinister connections that extend to the WHO, Gates Foundation, CDC and beyond. ~ Jun 14, 2023

.  * The Bank of International Settlements, Swiss Central Bank and US Federal Reserve Gold Vaults were empty. Banks were closing across the planet. All other countries were refusing to trade with the fiat Federal US Dollar. ~ Apr 24, 2023

.  * On 31 July, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a digital ruble bill into law, approving the use of its central bank digital currency for payments starting from Aug 1, 2023.

.  * Over 200 countries and 11,000 institutions had completely disconnected from the old Cabal SWIFT fiat monies CBDC System and switched over to the new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System. ~ Mar 23, 2023

(Latest update 08 Feb 2025)

.  * The Q Movement first began when Military Generals got together after the assassination of President Lincoln, then was formally organized after the assassination of President Kennedy and became the Worldwide Q Movement with the election of President Trump. The Q Movement was mandated to take down Globalists who had ruled the World for centuries through their complete control of the Global Financial System. The Global Alliance Military, or White Hats, who some better know to be part of the Q Movement.

.  * POTUS (Trump) would pull the trigger to go into full Martial Law. The Global Alliance Military was in the process of removing all Cabal controlled governments across the Globe, while arresting Elites named on over 500,000 sealed indictments. Charges included Treason, Human/Child Trafficking, Murder, Assassinations, Drug and Arms Smuggling and RICO Money Laundering. Since 2020 the US Interim Military Government has been secretly executing arrests of prominent Political and Global Elites.

.  * Old systems of Government, Education, Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc, would be dismantled and replaced.

.  A serious takedown of the KM has begun with a massive document dump related to Jeffrey Epstein and his pedo island. The important thing to note is that since this information was released by a court, it opens the path to legal action against the child torturers who visited the island. These include Bill and Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Prince Andrew and many others. Hillary Clinton is also listed as a witness. So is former Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak who is accused of raping an Epstein victim. We also see from the documents Prince Andrew had an orgy with “numerous” underaged girls on Epstein’s island. We have heard most of it before and are still waiting for actual arrests related to the pedo island. ~ Benjamin Fulford (Jan 11, 2024)

.  The real war going on is not between Israelis and Palestinians, but between white hats and Satanists. As things stand now, China is about the win the battle for control of the planet. While the West was dealing with mental illness in the ruling class, China was hosting 75% of the world’s countries at a victory celebration on the tenth anniversary of its’ belt and road initiative. Even the Taliban have signed up now for the BRI initiative showing that China won the Afghan war without firing a single bullet. Now California wants to secede from the US and join China. ~ Benjamin Fulford (Oct 27, 2023)

.   A big sign of change is the public release of documents showing the COVID-19 pandemic was a US Department of Defense Operation dating back to President Barack Obama. The Chinese Lotus Freemasons - whose 55 million person membership includes President Xi Jinping - say criminal charges need to be filed against government officials involved in the COVID and Vaccine mass murder. The Chinese also know the bio lab laboratory in Wuhan belongs to Glaxo, Glaxo is the owner of Pfizer, Pfizer is managed by Black Rock, and Black Rock manages the SOROS FOUNDATION and thus the Octagon group in Switzerland. ~ Benjamin Fulford (Sep 28, 2023)

.  * Joe Biden, President of the defunct US Inc. (a private corporation), has been played by actors since the 2021 Presidential Inauguration - which took place, in part, on a Hollywood Sound Stage a week prior to the actual ceremony at the US Capitol surrounded by National Guardsmen and a ten foot fence, barbed wire facing inward. In January 2021 and prior to the inauguration, the real Joe Biden was arrested, tried in a Military Tribunal and hanged for Crimes Against Humanity. ~ Aug 30, 2023

.  * Deep State Military Intelligence Agencies protect ELITE PEDOPHILIA RINGS due to their own involvement in the human trafficking/child/sex trafficking trade. ~ Charlie Ward (Sep 15, 2023)

.  * We were facing a Supreme Court ruling that would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress for not investigating allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election, a Global Financial System Implosion, Global Currency Revaluation, Emergency Broadcast System Activation and Soft Martial Law. ~ Jun 23, 2023

.  * Since Jan 20, 2021, the US Military Special Forces have been holding Tribunals at GITMO and nightly Tribunals on Capitol Hill using evidence handed over from John Huber.

.  * On Jan 24-25, 2021, “President” Biden, 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators were said to have been arrested - for a total of 465 elected, some retired, officials who would soon face Military Tribunals. Most of their charges surrounded pedophilia.

.  * 2020 Election Fraud - 46 of 50 States have now recounted and confirmed that Biden lost the vote! President Trump has remained and still is the only true US Commander-In-Chief.

.  * In Mar 2020, an international military force repatriated to the US Treasury and other nations, 650 plane loads of gold and cash from the Vatican, according to Charlie Ward, whose team secured the gold and valuables. “The Military also arrested 13-demon-bloodline families, Mafia heads, the Pope and 350 personnel in the Vatican. Then they cleared out the Vatican of cash, gold and valuables in 650 plane loads and flew it to Fort Knox and other US Treasury locations” Ward continued.

.  * IT TOOK THE ALLIANCE SPECIAL FORCES FIVE YEARS to clear 32,000 miles of Underground DUMB Tunnels across the Globe, while rescuing millions of children. Mission started July 2018, completed in Aug. 2023. Since Oct 2019 tortured, malnourished children and corpses in the tens of thousands have been found in a sophisticated network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) that ran beneath the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Asia and across Europe.

.  * In 2016 right after the Trump Inauguration, the White Hat Military Alliance suddenly showed up in Italy, where they executed heads of the Illuminati Bloodline families, both Popes, 350 Cardinals, Heads of the Mafia Jesuits, plus emptied the Vatican DUMB Tunnel that runs from Rome to Jerusalem. Over $43 Quintrillion in gold was removed from the Vatican Tunnel and returned to it’s rightful owners, mainly the US Treasury.

Note: All Info denoted by a prefix "*" are derived from:-

                      NESARA / GESARA (video1) (Imminent!)
(Latest update 14 Feb, 2025) video2

          FREE ENERGY (Imminent!) .  * Releasing all hidden & suppressed Technologies. Free Energy is coming.

.  *Trump Deploys Military to Replace Hospital Equipment with Med Beds – The Revolution in Healthcare Is Here! – Feb 14, 2025



We are moving into a new frequency, a new dimension where it is going to be the New Earth, and it’s going to be extremely beautiful, the beautiful colors, that everything is total love. We’re moving away from the negativity of the Old Earth, and it’s going to be a complete turnaround, beyond belief, and we’re all going there now. The most important thing is that we are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it’s very important to be here now. There are thousands of souls who want to be here to experience this - even if they can just be here for a few hours. They say even if they’re born and die right away, they can say, ‘I was there when this occurred.’ This is how important this is to the entire Universe. So, you’re living in a very wonderful time that will never be repeated again. ~ Dolores Cannon



.  Mother Mary has taken her leadership role in the tradition called Christianity and on new earth last X'Mas Eve (Dec 24, 2022). Mother Mary is the sole leader of reformed Christianity and her tenure began on Jul 15, 2023. ~ Jul 15, 2023

.  Gaia's new golden age has begun. The process was very smooth. The Divine says that the Cosmo wheel has been switched to Gaia's new earth design. And now all is functioning well. The Divine has also started the roles on new earth which means that the Divine government has now started functioning. The Divine is very pleased with the result. Mother Father God have started their roles on earth. Heaven on earth is now a reality. ~ Jan 02, 2023

.  After The Initiations And Activations, the Divine Has declared That The Mass Ascension For Humanity And Planet Earth Has Officially Commenced And Things Will Change Dramatically Thereafter. Please Stay Calm And Be Peaceful Within! ~ Mar 05, 2021

.  Christ wants the world especially the Christian countries and leaders to be aware that he is back. He is leading the ascension effort, and ushering in the new Golden Age, the Christ Era. He is so thrilled to be back on the planet. He is ready to bring in the new teachings, and also he is going to bring down the old houses so that eventually the truth will be told. ~ Apr 16, 2019

.  THE CHRIST ERA has officially begun with effect from this spring Equinox, March 21st 2019. We want all HER disciples and Christians to know that your CREATOR is here. She is sitting on the throne. She has returned, except as the ruler, The Queen. ~ Mar 25, 2019


1. Dear family of love and light, the Divine says that the Divine plan has been moving forward nicely. Planet wide clearing is still going on. The process will continue until the planet and humanity is ready to move on to the next phase. For now, the clearing is needed and the clearing will continue. In the foreseeable future, the plan will remain the same. Light workers are asked to continue the clearing efforts. Leaders have been tasked to put their regions first and keep the clearing and healing going. Personally, I will take a personal break so that I can focus on self healing. There is a lot of healing that is needed. Particularly in the recent years and months when things have been so intense. And now is good time to take some time off and heal. Because I am on break, I won’t post messages unless it’s really needed. So thank you for the support and understanding. Thank you for your unending support and light work. The divine plan has moved forward so much. And light worker’s contributions are always appreciated and making difference. So keep up your good work and know that you make a difference. You are powerful love and light and because of you, the planet and humanity have been healing and the divine plan has been advancing. You are the hero and you have what it takes to make the divine plan a success. And thank you for that. Divine love and blessings to you always. Linda Li the Divine and the company of heaven. Under the law of grace, so it is. ~ May 19, 2024

2. Dear family of love and light, at this moment, the divine and beings of light have been busy running the third round and continue to clear the planet and humanity. The running of the third round has done a remarkable job. As a result, the planet has been cleared greatly. Humans are much clearer. The process has advanced the divine plan and the planetary ascension. For that, Mother Goddess is very thankful for the runners and the third round run. Since the planet is in need of deep clearing and humans are also in need of cleansing. The process of clearing is going to take some time. Mother Goddess has given the third round runners a great deal of support and asked them to keep the process going because the need is great. Mother Goddess says in time to come once the clearing process is completed, the divine plan will move forward and then the divine will start the new age.However, for now, the third round run is needed. She asks regional leaders and light workers to continue to help with the clearing process. Particularly some areas of the planet where the deep clearing is desperately needed. She says in these areas, the planet needs a lot of clearing and repair work, light workers and regional leaders are called so that together, they can help with the clearing process. Besides the deep clearing, Mother Goddess says that there are a large number of the divine energies that have been cleared from the planet. She says that these energies had been on the planet for a long time, and huge amount of wounds and hurt have damaged the energies and the planet as well. ~ May 14, 2024

3. Dear family of love and light, Mother Goddess has organized the Divine beings and the company of heaven to move the divine plan forward. After series of clearing efforts, now the planet is in the process of so called “the Third Run”. The planet and humanity are extremely grateful for the Divine and the beings who are running the third run. Humans know that the third run is so significant, the third run means the end of an era and starting of a new era. And that is where the planet is, end of the old age and beginning of the new golden age. Mother Goddess has started the process called the Third run. She says that the process is a routine. Every time when humans jump to a new level of evolution and starting a new era, beings of light will start the process of the third run. The process will completely remove the old energies and miscreations that are no longer allowed in the new age. Once the third run is over, the new epic will begin and humans will start new creation. Mother Goddess says that traditionally, beings of light who run the third run are being called parents by humans. These beings of light are indeed the parents of humans. They have dedicated all to the planet and human development. And they are the powerful ones. At end of each epic, these powerful beings of light will run the third run so that the new age can begin. Mother Goddess says that the 144,000 original twin flames are always among the beings of light who run the third run. And they are greatly appreciated by humans and the Divine for their dedication and great love for the planet and humanity. ~ May 08, 2024

4. Dear family of love and light, there are energies that are interfering with the Divine plan, and the Divine Mother Goddess is calling for a divine operation. The Divine says that these energies are hiding in the cities and waited till now to act. They are malicious and need to be removed completely. The Divine operation needs to take action now. Mother Goddess says that the Divine operation needs to be thorough and leave nothing to chance. The process needs to take consideration that the Divine has moved the Divine plan forward. So the Divine plan will need to be taken care of. Mother Goddess says that the energies have groups and some are in different parts of the planet. That needs to be taken care of as well. Mother Goddess has given the Divine authority so that the operations can be quick and smooth. The Divine asks the Divine operations to be mindful because the planet is now in a new realm, humans have been ascending. The operations need to consider that. Thank you for your service and dedication. Divine blessings to you always. Linda Li the Divine Goddess and the company of heaven. Under the law of grace, so it is. ~ May 03, 2024

5. Dear family of love and light, the Divine has updates for the planet and humanity. The divine says in the last few days, there have been a lot of happenings. Both of the planet and humanity are advancing greatly. The divine plan has also moved forward quite rapidly. And overall, the planetary ascension has entered to a new phase. The divine and the company of heaven are very pleased with the progress. The divine says that the clearing phase is over. The planet has been cleared and humans have been cleared to a degree that is satisfactory to the ascension purpose. Therefore, the clearing process is over. The divine has started the next phase of the ascension process. And that is the great news. The divine has great appreciation for the light workers. Yes, the process has been extremely challenging and it took so much to clear the planet and humanity. And in the process, there are a lot of light workers who have done so much light work and as a result, some of them have retired or leave the planet early. Light workers have contributed greatly and that is known to the planet and humanity. However, the end result is that we now have a clean planet and humans are ready for the next phase. That is the great victory of light worker’s hard work. The rewards of light worker’s dedication and great contributions. The divine and the company of heaven are grateful for light workers. The planet and humanity are extremely thankful for light workers and always remember the great work that light workers have done and will continue to do. ~ Apr 26, 2024

6. Dear family of love and light, the divine has a message for the planet and humanity. Over the last few days, there have been a lot of happenings behind the scenes. The divine and the company of heaven have been busy working nonstop. However, the hard work has paid off. At this moment, the planet has been uplifted and repositioned. It is a very peaceful place for the planet and humanity. Ascending humans are restful and steady in this new location. The planet herself is very steady and that is great news. The divine and the company of heaven and leaders have been working extremely hard. There were moments when there were groups of old energies surging and that had the divine evacuated humans from the planet time after time in order to clear the energies out of the planet. Humans also had been through deep clearings. Eventually, the old energies for most of the groups have been removed from the planet. Now the divine says that the planet is basically free from the old energies. There are possible pockets of old energies that are still in the planet here and there. But they are no longer the main concern of the divine, the focus of the divine has switched. The divine says if there are emerging energies, the divine has allocated light beings to handle them. The light beings have the tools and divine authority to remove the old energies. However, that is only small chance from this point on since the planet has been cleared so well. During these divine operations to clear the planet and humans, the divine has taken the opportunities and cleared great numbers of light workers. ~ Apr 12, 2024

7. Dear family of love and light, the divine wants to thank leaders and light workers for helping the clearing effort. The effort has paid off. Right now, the clearing has completed. There are some areas of the planet that are at the final step of the process and are being repaired. Humans have all been repositioned and the process has completed. Ascending humans are pleased with the clearing process and are much lighter and happier. The entire planet has become lighter as the result. The divine says since the mass awakening process has just started, there will be a lot more of the happenings in time to come. It is a part of the awakening for humanity and it is a part of the ascension and rebuilding process for the planet. Old has to go so that the new can be established. The divine says in this latest round of the clearing work, there are huge numbers of humans who have been through deep clearing. The clearing went so deep, now these souls have awakened, and that is amazing to watch. The divine and the company of heaven are extremely happy for these awakened souls and the entire process. In time to come, more souls will awaken and that is the process. The divine has given the planet the green light so that the awakening process for souls will be smooth. The divine has officially removed the energies of fear and anger from the planet and human psyche. The divine says that it means in time to come, whatever has left in humans, the energies of fear and anger will have to come out and it is the process. ~ Apr 07, 2024


We are reaching the final phase of Gaia’s quantum leap into the New Earth.

"Your planet is going through a deep cleansing, which causes extreme weather in parts of your world, that never before experienced such extreme weather like high temperatures, floods, hurricanes and even snow in locations that are usually hot all year round. These events are natural not created by Darkness. Still too many humans are staying in low vibrations, which can also cause unseen before weather..."
~ Archangel Michael - 23 Jun 2024 (FB)

1. Beloved Souls, you and your planet are in the process of a deep shift in the Collective Consciousness and Reality. You are deep in your transition from Homo Sapiens to a new kind of Human called Luminosa or Christos; the Human Angel and Galactic Being of Light. This process is driven by the two primary forces of Creation : Fire and Water together with the raising of Frequency on Earth.
~ Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn - 22 Oct 24 (FB)New

2. As we witness the acceleration of transformational processes through increased solar activities, the solar flares are delivering powerful transmissions of extremely high frequencies of light from our Great Central Sun and Greater Central Sun, through our Sun, encoded with the New Earth codes and information. Intensified solar flares (sudden explosions of electromagnetic energy from the Sun) release large amounts of highly magnetized plasma light into the solar wind, resulting in multiple geomagnetic storms. With the continuous transmission of the intergalactic plasma waves, we are being transformed at a molecular level - restructuring, recoding, and recalibrating our DNA system.
~ Soheila SGh - 05 Oct 2024 (FB) New

3. You are going to experience a lot of changes in your reality, especially in the weather patterns. Snow in South Africa, severe floods in Europe, hurricane in Florida, rain in the deserts and etc.. It indicates deep changes inside of my crust. The scientists always are mistaken and give false information by claiming it’s global warming, that is not true. This 3D old version of me is dissolving, and it will be replaced with 5D. Unpredictable events will become your daily routine of your life.
~ Mother Gaia via Erena Velazquez - 01 Oct 2024 (FB) New

4. At present, Earth is undergoing a significant transformation. She is ascending beyond the confines of the 4th Dimensional Vibration and striving towards the Frequencies of the 5th Dimension. She will be jumped into the 5th dimension, by celestial event, in accordance with the divine Order of the Creator. This Decree has already been set in motion, and is well underway. Moving from the 4th Dimension to the 5th Dimension represents an elevated state of consciousness and awareness that is spreading throughout the essence of your being. It is happening within you, and it is happening Now.
~ Saint Germain - 01 Sep 2024 (FB)

5. The Brilliant colors of the Auroras that were seen worldwide in May of 2024 were a manifestation of great changes on the Earth and in the Galaxy. Feeling very tired to the point of exhaustion. This is because your physical body is reconfiguring your DNA to align with the new templates and frequencies. This may include muscle aches and pains and spasms, especially in the legs and upper back and neck areas. You will need to rest and practice self-care. Don’t push yourself. Feeling the Need to drink much more water and to eat simple organic foods where possible. This is to support the deep cleansing and changes in your body.
~ Celia Fenn Channeling ArchAngel Michael - 12 Jun 2024 (FB)

6. In 2024 - 2025, we will be in a Solar Maximum. The sun is continuing to send us plasma and codes. These codes come in and shift our DNA, upgrading our systems and helping us to make evolutionary leaps.
~ Jenny Schiltz - 13 Jan 2024 (FB)

7. In the process of ascension, the Earth will be cleansed of negativity, conflict, and dense energies. Deep-seated traumas and belief systems will be healed. For those who ascend, aging, disease, and suffering will cease to exist. People will regain full usage of their DNA, intuition and latent abilities.
~ Arrora Ray - 25 Nov 2023 (FB)

8. We are all going through a cleanse of eliminating toxins and emotional dross that have slowly built up over many lifetimes. Solar flares will continue to be released amplifying and helping us in upgrading our DNA, shifting our vibrational frequency. Heightened sensitivities, electrical surges and buzzing through the body, heightened sensitivities to sound and energy. Muscle cramps and heat flashes that are connected to the releasing of kundalini energy moving through the body. Sleep disturbances and a need for more stillness and quietness.
~ Mike Harrigan - 01 Oct 2023 (FB)

"Project Facebook has been completed on 21st Nov 2024 in accordance with divines' timing. Thank you for all your great supports!"

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Divine Messages

           Resources(N) (Updates)

          Healing Tools (Updates)

           Changes (Updates)

           Symptoms (Updates)

The Event

5D New Earth

Teri Wade

           Aurora Ray (Updates)

Dolores Cannon

The Divine & The Company Of Heaven - AA Michael,Mother Sekhmet,FatherMotherGod,Maitreya,Kuan Yin,Buddha,Lao Tze, Melchizedek,Jesus,Ashtar,St Germain,Kuthumi,Mother Mary,Mother Gaia,AA Gabriel,AA Raphael,AA Zadkiel,AA Uriel,Adama,Djwhal Khul,El Morya, Hathar,Hilarion,Yogananda,Sanat Kumara,Lady Nada,Lady Portia,Mary Magdalene,Metatron,Lady Helena,Paul the Venetian,Milarepa,Isis,John The Baptist,Saul,Matthew,Krishna,Maha Chohan,Manjushri,Moses,Osiris,Babaji,Cassiopea,Enoch,Helios,Lakshmi,etc.
New Earth
        *AA Michael | Ronna Herman* fol       *The Creator Writings JenniferFarley FB* fol       *Sananda | Love Is Our New Reality* fol
        *The Portal* (Archives) fol       *Living Spirit | Linda Li [FB]* fol       *The Jeshua Channelings* fol
        *Cobra* (Chinese I) (Chinese II)         *Rick Jewers | GPMS World Comm [FB]* fol       *St Germain Press [FB]* fol
        *Return To Light* (Chinese)          *Era of Peace Patricia Cota-Robles [FB]* fol       *Sheldan Nidle Updates* fol
        *From Sirrus, Frank* (Chinese)         *Erena Velazquez [FB]* fol       *Prepare For Change [FB]* fol
        *Benjamin Fulford (Telegram)* fol       *Golden Age Of Gaia Steve Beckow [FB]* fol       *Family Of Taygeta*
        *5D Earth Project | Michael Love* NA       Franheal       *CoreyGoode Disclosurecomics [FB]*
        *Era Of Light* fol       GFP | Awakening Daily       *Earth Working Alliance Light [FB]*   fol
        Ashtar Command SCN       GaiaPortal Gaia [FB] Video [FB]       *Ascension Lightworkers [FB]* fol
        *Ancient Awakenings J McConnell* fol       *Galactic Channelings (Multi-Lang)*   fol       Shekina Rose | Priestess Of Light [FB]
        Ascension Calling       Graham Hancock       Stillness In The Storm
        Alexandrian Kosmos       Ground Crew Command Radio [FB]       *Sacred Ascension AnnaMerkaba [FB]* fol
        Archangels and Devas Blog       HopeGirl Blog | QEG [FB]       *Sacred Sch of OmNa Natalie Glasson* fol
        Ascended Master Kuthumi       HighHeartLife | Denise Le Fay       *Sophia Love* fol
        Awakening People       *Home to Aluna Joy Yaxk'in* [FB]* fol       Soheila SGh [FB]
        Aisha North       Heart Star | Joanna & Ashura       Starseeds Land (Chinese) NA
        Alex Collier       *Higher Density Blog*       Simon Parkes
        Art Of The Feminine | Shannon       I AM Avatar       Shambahalla And New Earth
        *AwakeningToRem... Lisa Brown*       In5D       Serapina Light
        Agarthan Alliance       Inteldinarchronicles       Stankov's Universal Law Press
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